Soul Body Evolution
Nationally Certified Massage Therapist 2007
Registered Yoga Instructor 2008
Reiki Master 2009
Tri-Yoga Instructor 2011
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner 2012
Accunect Practitioner 2012
Advanced Lomi Lomi Training 2013
Massage Cupping Practitioner 2016
Certified Health and Life Coach 2020
Metaphysical Minister 2023
A Virginia native, Liz has spent over 15 years studying, practicing and developing her own unique styles of massage, energy work and yoga to be fully present with each individual client in order to allow every session to be tailored to their specific needs.
Through her own personal experience, along with assisting hundreds of people through their healing process, she has come to understand the power of thought, affirmation,
and visualization as being pivotal in creating our lives in alignment with our Soul's purpose. As well as how both physical and energetic movement maintain a healthy vessel to allow the universe to flow through us as blessings for this world.
Liz believes that once we realize our Soul's purpose and how to connect with it, we can live a life of joy and abundance. She knows that it is part of her Soul's purpose to assist people in finding and living theirs!

A Therapeutic Massage session with Liz allows for full relaxation while also relieving tension and targeting chronic issues. She has her own unique style and works with you to discover the perfect dapth of pressure and pace. For deep tissue work she uses massage cups to get deeper into the muscles and draw out toxins while also creating the space needed for the body to reorganize itself and let go of excess tighness and knots.
Soul + Body Massage sessions combine the fluidity of Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage with Shamanic ritual, breath and sound to create an embodied Spiritual experience. This session will guide you into trance and open your heart in order to glimpse the truth within your Soul. It is beyond words.
For Reiki + Align sessions, you remain in comfortable clothing on the table as Liz moves around your body, she uses her breath and narrates what energy is coming up to be balanced as she works through the process.
Liz's Yoga teaching style combines fluid movement with subtle body awareness and specific breathing techniques to awaken your body's natural flow, strength and grace. She is proficient in teaching beginner to advanced level students, utilizing modifications and props when needed to engage every body type, meeting people where they are to create a strong steady practice.
Soul Alignment sessions combine intuitive reading with energetic balancing and are done at a distance, either as a pre-recorded session sent via email or a live call on zoom. When you schedule your appointment you will tell Liz what you would like the session to focus on- this could be something going on physically, a situation or relationship that you are having difficulty with, or any issue you would like to change or have clarity on. During a session, Liz tunes into your energetic field and simultaneously translates what she is picking up while shifting various aspects of your system toward optimum health and harmony. There may be specific things that come up for you to do or change in your life that she will suggest, however the majority will shift within the session itself. Often, because issues take time to develop, more than one session may be required for you to come into alignment with the change you are seeking. This work is sequential in that one shift must occur in order for the next to happen- like falling dominos or puzzle pieces fitting together. Everything, including healing, happens in perfect timing and that doesn't always line up with what we *think* the timing *should* be. The less resistance we have to the process of unfolding the more we are able to simply witness and allow.
When Intuitive Coaching is included, Liz will assist you in setting specific measurable goals and keep you accountable with changing your daily habits and mindsets to align with those goals.